
AMICO for professionals

24/7 marketing

A high level, client friendly, targeted and round the clock marketing presence, matching you with the right clients.

One stop shop

A new forum for family law clients seeking high quality, professional guidance, knowledge and solutions.


Founded by Laura Rosefield, divorce consultant for over 10 years and former barrister, who has matched hundreds of clients with their  lawyers, therapists and financial experts.

Zoë Bloom

Partner | BloomBudd

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The market is crying out for clients to be matched with solicitors. Mismatched personalities in this area of the law make it impossible for solicitors to achieve the best outcome for their client. Conversely, when client and solicitor work well together good outcomes are faster and cheaper, and the experience is so much better for both client and solicitor.

I have worked with Laura for many years and her insights into what makes client relationships work is unparalleled. AMICO would enable so many more people to benefit.

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James Carroll

Partner | Russell Cooke

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Family transition and relationship breakdown are challenges that many people face. Choosing the right lawyer to work with is vital. I want to work with clients who understand and echo my approach and who likewise understand that I want to work alongside them to achieve as sensible a separation as can be managed. Having worked with Laura for many years I am aware of her great skills in matching solicitors to clients and vice versa. AMICO has now taken this to the next level, and finally there is a platform that performs the task that Laura has herself so ably performed for many years.

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Charlotte Bradley

Head of Family Law | Kingsley Napley

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Laura Rosefield and her partners have come up with a business idea which is long overdue and will be hugely appealing to potential clients and the lawyers who advise them. Laura has a huge amount of experience of the family market with her successful business as a divorce consultant and has been excellent at matching those who approach her with the right solicitor. But the idea of an algorithm to match a lawyer is a welcome approach, still novel in the legal world and long overdue.

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If you would like further information on AMICO please get in touch here:
